Tips To Install Fully Functional Siri on iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G:
For individuals who’ve been awaiting this, it’s finally here. Men working at Compact disc-Team have recently come-track of a tweak which allows the consumer install Siri on iPhone 4 and ipod device touch 4G. This free service named “H1 Siri” has gone public which allows the consumer to have their iOS device fully ported and attached to the Apple servers after effective installation.
You can now install Siri in your iPhone 4 and ipod device touch 4G and obtain it fully ported and attached to the Apple servers. Below is a straightforward and step-by-step guide which enables you to easily complete the job.
Things you’ll need A jailbroken iPhone 4 or ipod device touch 4G running on iOS 5 or iOS 5..1 Network access.
How To Fully Port Siri On iPhone 4 & iPod Touch 4G:
STEP 1: First of, you’ll need an iPhone 4 or iPod touch running iOS 5 / iOS 5.0.1.
STEP 2: You’ll also need to jailbreak your iPhone 4 or iPod touch 4G by using our guide posted here for iOS 5.
STEP 3: Once jailbroken, head to Cydia then Manage, Sources, Edit and finally hit Add.
STEP 4: Write the following repository and hit add:
STEP 5: Get back to Cydia and search for H1Siri and install it. It will take some time since it weighs 109 MB
STEP 6: After successful installation, give your device a reboot.
STEP 7: Now head on to Settings > General > Siri and turn it On.
That’s it, you are almost done!
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